Thursday, October 8, 2009

What are these little white things at the ends of my hair?

about a year or so ago i completely ruined my hair with it is pretty much healthy but i want it to feel smoother when i run m fingers through it!! also i have these little white knob like things at the ends of some of the strands of hair..what are they and how can i get rid or them? just a haircut won't get rid or them and i don;t wanna cut it alot bcuz my hair is just a little bit past my shoulders and i want it to be super long!! so please tell me what the white things are and how i can fix them!!

What are these little white things at the ends of my hair?

White things on the end of your hair are split ends, or parts where your hair has already broken off due to split ends. If you stopped dying your hair a year ago, the hair with the white things is the oldest hair on your head - ie the part you damaged the most. The sun and heat styling also cause split ends and breakage. These are all things that keep your hair from looking good.

If you dont trim your hair regularly, split ends will travel up the length of your hair and break off high up on the strand. End result is youre going to have to wait a looooonggg time before you get long hair because its going to keep breaking and splitting until its all snaggled-looking.

Always trim your ends every month or so, especially if you have damaged your hair in the past and are trying to grow it out.

If the white things are at the root of your hair, where it grows out from the scalp, they are the follicles of your hair that came out with the strand. It happens.

What are these little white things at the ends of my hair?

Are you sure it's not lice?

What are these little white things at the ends of my hair?

split ends!

What are these little white things at the ends of my hair?

nits? Rid?

Don't be so quick to dismiss the lice answers. That is EXACTLY what the "nit" (lice larvae) looks like. Here is a picture of nits...remember they have been blown up considerably so you can see them. Usually they are much smaller. As you can see, they are attached to the end of the hair shaft. Split ends look like this once again, this was blown up even bigger than the nit picture. As you can see, there is nothing "hard" at the end of split ends. Instead, it will split off in many different directions.

What are these little white things at the ends of my hair?

there split ends you need to cut at least 2 inches to get rid of them

What are these little white things at the ends of my hair?

sounds like dandruff......use a special shampoo called T-Gel

What are these little white things at the ends of my hair?

Are they moving? You might have lice. If so, you need to get a special shampoo to get rid of them.

What are these little white things at the ends of my hair?

Deadends alls you got to do Is trim them off and use Pantene

What are these little white things at the ends of my hair?

I have no idea what they would be, but you might need to cut it short to get rid of them.

What are these little white things at the ends of my hair?

Sounds like you have nits from lice. Does your head itch? Ask a doctor or someone to check.

Tess :)

What are these little white things at the ends of my hair?

Sounds like a buildup of hairspray or conditioner. Try some T-Gel shampoo. BTW, even if you're growing your hair long, trimming from time to time is essential to keep hair healthy and keep split ends in check.

What are these little white things at the ends of my hair?

It's not lice, I know what you are talking about. I have them too; it is split ends. Try really good conditioner and hate to say it but get a trim. Mine came because I straightened it too much, I stopped, and they still won't go away.

What are these little white things at the ends of my hair?

I think thats just some of your scalp.

What are these little white things at the ends of my hair?

Find out whether or not you have lice, which if it is you need to buy the stuff and get rid of it. It also could be split ends which have to be cut off so your hair will lay flat.

What are these little white things at the ends of my hair?

it's either split ends or hair spray or product residue that didn't get washed out all the way.

What are these little white things at the ends of my hair?

well first, the white thingys on ur hair may be dead cells from ur hair or just damaged tips...

second, if u want ur hair to be super long and healthy.. it is best to cut ur tips every couple of months... it will grow longer this way and much healthier. because if u dont cut ur tips every so often, burnt and damaged tips will keep growing and eventually u will have to cut them off.. cutting all those years of growing it. ;D

What are these little white things at the ends of my hair?

your hair is still damaged by the dyes. it's still split end even if you cut them off since the strands are so brittle it easily comes back. you just have to keep on trimming them until all the damaged hair has grown out. in the meantime you might have to spend money on hair treatments from salons.

What are these little white things at the ends of my hair?

I personally think that you should just go to a salon to find out what the problem is and the best way to take care of them. That way you know what it really is and not what a bunch people who cant see your hair say! Good luck!

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