Thursday, October 8, 2009

Why is it that a lot of punk rock white boys like black girls with natural hair, but not a lot of bl

seriously. its like the black guys, who have hair like mines, except for the open minded artistic black guys, are cool with my afro, but the white punk rock guys love it, and find it so exotic, and so neat, and unique. so its odd to think about it, because some black guys say i'm a traitor because i'm black and dating white guys, but the black guys i've seen discriminate against me because i am not perming or straightening my hair. what type of foolishness is that? its like blacks were made to hate themselves, and their own, and to cling onto their oppressors, the oppressors who never liked them in the 1st place. only what they could do for them...seriously.

Why is it that a lot of punk rock white boys like black girls with natural hair, but not a lot of black guys?

I'm no punk rocker but you go girl! Half the fun of dating black chicks for me is all the people that it irritates. The other half is (my experience only) they are way better in bed!!

Punk rockers are drawn to you because you accept them, most of society (including most whites and probably your black hater boys) think they're freaks of nature. You tend to go where you閳ユ獧e accepted. Either way, a white punker dude with a black chick is a high profile couple, everywhere you go its all eyes on you !!

And what's the harm in that?

What閳ユ獨 funny to me is that your black 閳ユ竾riends閳?that criticize you are morons !! They want to be treated equal, (they claim) they want people to look past their skin pigmentation (they claim) but when it happens they have an attitude. Go figure? Then they wonder why they閳ユ獧e broke, dejected, unemployed and life long losers. Life is what you make of it, listen to winners, ignore the losers.

The only thing you閳ユ獧e betraying is an ignorant and sad past, a past that a lot of people don閳ユ獩 really want to let go of. America has changed a lot since 1960. Welcome aboard !!

Why is it that a lot of punk rock white boys like black girls with natural hair, but not a lot of black guys?

serious issues. not your probem, don't worry about it. it's their personal problem.

Why is it that a lot of punk rock white boys like black girls with natural hair, but not a lot of black guys?

sweetheart, dont worry abt them. down here in texas i see black guys dating white girls all the time. i am dating a puerto rican, and they say the same thing to me. what i dont understand is, why are they worried abt it if they are dating a white girl. trust me, i know what you mean. there is nothing wrong with interracial dating. dont worry abt them, as long as you too make each other happy

Why is it that a lot of punk rock white boys like black girls with natural hair, but not a lot of black guys?

Yea I know what you mean...

their fault.

Why is it that a lot of punk rock white boys like black girls with natural hair, but not a lot of black guys?

White punk rock guys are cool with any girl, that's why. They tend to be the free spirits, the liberated, and really cool dudes. They were the best customers when I was a cashier at Rite Aid. Its too bad I don't work with any at my current job.

Most black guys (and I say MOST, not all), have insecurities about themselves. Half the time they feel they are above all other guys, especially white and asian guys, and that they can put their hands on any girl they wish and the other half they are sulking at every other non-black guy because they feel us other guys as a whole let them down and bring them down when its they themselves who do. Its funny because you hear them accusing black women of having attitudes and what not but the same white and hispanic girls they date are just as rude if not worse than the "rude stereotypical black girls".

White punk rock guys make ideal partners especially the ones who got their head on straight. Trust me them and any latin/asian/multiracial even some artistic cool black punk rockers. They just rock and they need love. .

Why is it that a lot of punk rock white boys like black girls with natural hair, but not a lot of black guys?

It seems like you have your head on straight. These guys don't. Just be proud of that. As for dating white guys, go for it. Nobody should give you a hard time for that, especially guys that don't like your hair. By the way, I am white and just went out with a black guy for our first date. He told me my hair was out of style because it was too straight. Go figure.

Why is it that a lot of punk rock white boys like black girls with natural hair, but not a lot of black guys?

well I'm not into punk rock, more, pop, country, hard, but never punk %26amp; my wife is black %26amp; beautiful. All I can say is that you just have to be you no matter what anyone says %26amp; my wife will tell you the same thing. If people don't like you for you, then they really arn't your friends are they!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why is it that a lot of punk rock white boys like black girls with natural hair, but not a lot of black guys?

I think that many people admire the different physical looks of the various races on the earth,but because of the fear and small mindedness people have of someone whose looks and culture are different than thier own, taboos have sprung up that try to limit who we associate with, date, marry , do business with etc..( A garden with only one type of flower can be rather boring. But when you plant a garden with flowers that are different you have a thing of beauty)

Why is it that a lot of punk rock white boys like black girls with natural hair, but not a lot of black guys?

I have sisterlocks (which are tiny manicured locs) and I have noticed that the response from whites guys far outweighs the response I get from black guys. I don't know what it is but here is my theory. Our natural hair is what makes us unique. When it is straightened, it is seen by others as essentially trying to be white. But, straightening it doesn't give us the freedom that comes with having "white" hair. Black women don't do alot of things for fear of messing up their perms like swimming, working out, and just being free.

From my limited experience, black women who have locks overwhelmingly tend to be paired with white guys. My hair attracts white guys of all economic stati young and old. I have had too many white men reach out and touch my hair, just willing to take a chance on not getting slapped, lol.

Beauty is beauty and it's recognized by many. Too many people of color reject what is beautiful because they fear what white people think of natural hair, basically being too black, and have simply been brainwashed.

There is a difference between having an appreciation for natural hair and that not being your thing and outright condemnation of it as many have done.

Think of that new policy at Hampton University.

You are beautiful girl. Just soak it up and go with it.

Hope that helps.

Why is it that a lot of punk rock white boys like black girls with natural hair, but not a lot of black guys?

you know, ive noticed this as well. dont know why. maybe because it's so different and unique. some and i do mean some black men make fun of me for wearing my hair natural calling it "nappy" (in the rude way). but non black men like it.

Why is it that a lot of punk rock white boys like black girls with natural hair, but not a lot of black guys?

I guess everybody wants what they can't have. Who knows why people think the way they do.

Why is it that a lot of punk rock white boys like black girls with natural hair, but not a lot of black guys?

OMG they do?i love those type of guys WOOOOHOOOOOO!!!

Why is it that a lot of punk rock white boys like black girls with natural hair, but not a lot of black guys?

I do not know... but its interesting. It seems a white guy is more likely to compliment a black gal about her natural hairdo than black men are......... from my own experience. All the white boyfriends Ive had, including my present one have always liked my hairdo.

Why is it that a lot of punk rock white boys like black girls with natural hair, but not a lot of black guys?

Girl that's their issues not yours ... it's too bad .... something I noticed, is white males are more acceptable than a black man.

I'm not saying anything bad about black men, it's just the actual case, white men really love the natural look of a black female. They don't care if we're not wearing makeup, hair isn't done, whatever .... they love their girls. (their black femms)

Example: one day I went over to a friends house and I was looking normal but I didn't have my hair done, it was just in a ponytail, and the one white guy was like, "man you're looking sexy today" and so and so, and the black guy (my best friends friend) was like .... "oh she look cute, but maybe she needs to do her hair", WTF!!!!

So I know what you're saying in a sense because SOME black men (NOT ALL) can't appreciate the natural beauty of a female.

Now my husband whom is white, loves me when I'm looking a hot dang mess (LOL) all the way to the Dolled up look ya know. (but I'm more Dolled up than anything)

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