Saturday, August 1, 2009

I have white 'dots' / bumps under breasts where hair follicles are...?

I'm sorry for the disgusting question but I've noticed for the past few months I have dozens of white, raised bumps under my breasts; some of them appear to be hair follicles but others have whitish pus when I squeeze them. Occasionally it's itchy or annoying.

I gave birth 10 months ago but I don't breastfeed so that shouldn't be related. I bathe regularly with Ivory soap, no perfumes, and generally have sensitive skin.

I'd go to a doctor but I have an expensive copay and am trying to save money and solve it on my own for now. It's more unsightly than a problem.

Is this normal to have white bumps that sometimes pus under breasts? If not, what are remedies? Thank you for your help!

I have white 'dots' / bumps under breasts where hair follicles are...?

I would say they are only small sebaceous cysts which have formed in hair follicles on your breasts. It is safe to squeeze this white pus type material out of the bumps. I often do this for my wife and it causes no problem. It is important to keep the area clean after squeezing out the pus. Men often get these bumps on their Penis and testicles. Sweat causes them.

I have white 'dots' / bumps under breasts where hair follicles are...?

I think that these are probably ingrown hairs. I get a lot of little "pimples" from ingrown hairs, on my breasts as well, and all I do is very gently open them with a pair of nail scissors and puck the hair with tweezers. I have no idea how to stop ingrown hairs from occuring, however.

I have white 'dots' / bumps under breasts where hair follicles are...?

I get these same bumps. I haven't been pregnant but I think the reason your getting these bumps is the same reason teenagers get acne. Your body under went hormonal changes during your pregnancy and is still trying to find its rhythm so your basically having some "white-heads" appear under your breast. Another reason as was previously mentioned is sweat. I have rather large breast and moisture contributes to my acne. If your cup size changed during your pregnancy then this could also be a cause of your acne. Treat it the same as you would other acne, clean the area, try wearing cotton bras because they wick away moisture, and also don't be afraid to squeeze them and clean the area with an antiseptic..... I don't really think you need to go to the Doc. about this particular problem. Now if you start bleeding from any of these spots I would recommend that you go to the Dr.

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