My natural hair color is a darker golden honey blond. I don't really like it and I am soooo bored of it. I have never colored my hair. I have really light white skin. So should I go with:
A lighter blond
Dark brown
I am leaning towards a lighter blond, like not bleach blond, but almost. I just need opinions girls! And guys! HELP!!!
HELP ME GIRLS!!!! What color should I color my hair?????
blonde baby
HELP ME GIRLS!!!! What color should I color my hair?????
light brown
HELP ME GIRLS!!!! What color should I color my hair?????
HELP ME GIRLS!!!! What color should I color my hair?????
A darker blonde but still blonde you know what i mean kinda like dirtyblonde but still way darker but still some blonde
HELP ME GIRLS!!!! What color should I color my hair?????
well if your very pale do not go black, you will look like a devil worshiper- sorry but it's the truth!
go light blonde
HELP ME GIRLS!!!! What color should I color my hair?????
auburn or light brown, they are good winter colors
don't go light blond as it is now winter and that color should be saved for summer/spring
HELP ME GIRLS!!!! What color should I color my hair?????
go with a brownish color
HELP ME GIRLS!!!! What color should I color my hair?????
maybe auburn
HELP ME GIRLS!!!! What color should I color my hair?????
I like dark brown...Especially when it is a durastic change for some people. It looks good. :]
HELP ME GIRLS!!!! What color should I color my hair?????
Well im going to color my hair blue with purple streeks later on this year but dont copy my idea lol!
I think you should color it dark brown but thats just me
HELP ME GIRLS!!!! What color should I color my hair?????
although im not a girl....i think that Dark Brown hair is really hot!!
HELP ME GIRLS!!!! What color should I color my hair?????
Go to makeover and take a pic of yourself.
Upload it and see what color you look good in and style.
Talk about fun. I played with that website all weekend
HELP ME GIRLS!!!! What color should I color my hair?????
How cute! Why not a hot pink?
HELP ME GIRLS!!!! What color should I color my hair?????
omg i just chnaged my hair yesterday to auburn brunette and it looks awwsome~~!! light sking look good with dark hair~~~ it brings out the color of ur skin
i rrly think u should do auburn brunnete ~~~ heres an ex
the secound pic of lindsey
HELP ME GIRLS!!!! What color should I color my hair?????
champegne colored would look nice.
HELP ME GIRLS!!!! What color should I color my hair?????
Go with auburn. It'll look cute!!
HELP ME GIRLS!!!! What color should I color my hair?????
hmmm I'd probly go with a light brown or dark blonde
Of course you could be like me and dye your hair funky colors lol
HELP ME GIRLS!!!! What color should I color my hair?????
I think a light blond or black well look good if Ur skin is that light!
HELP ME GIRLS!!!! What color should I color my hair?????
if your bored being a blonde do something more dramatic than light blonde... go Auburn!!! it goes with the fall/winter season.. and in the spring go back to being a blondie :)
HELP ME GIRLS!!!! What color should I color my hair?????
Sounds like our hair color and skin type are really similar. And guess what I did yesterday.....Dyed my hair Natural Light Auburn number 110. nice'n easy. It's inexpensive and looks great! It's winter, go darker!
HELP ME GIRLS!!!! What color should I color my hair?????
Okay. Before you make any drastic decisions, consider this first.
Remember; it's always easier to go darker, but it's harder to go lighter. So the darker you go, the harder it will to go back natural if you don't like it.
Going darker isn't as hard on your hair as going lighter. When you go lighter, you remove pigment with bleach, or something close to it if it is a bleach alternative. IT WILL damage your hair. Going darker will also damage your hair, all chemicals will, but it isn't as hard as bleach is.
I am a natural brunette who got bored around this time last year, and decided to go blond. I ruined my hair. I did not go to a salon, I did it myself, and my hair is just now (one year later) getting back to normal. I had to chop it all off too!
Now, my suggestion is to go to a salon, and ask their advice. Get it professionally done, because they have the skills and knowledge to do it without ruining your hair like I did.
Whatever you choose, they will be able to do it for you, and reverse it if you don't like it.
I just don't want any female going through the hell I went through when I dyed my hair blond. It was a mess, and took a year to fix.
My suggestion for the season would to get low lights. Winter trends are darker, summer trends are lighter. But either way, go talk to a professional, and enjoy the new look!
HELP ME GIRLS!!!! What color should I color my hair?????
try a dark brown with dark auburn undertones...
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